



Industry News

12 九月 2006

Early detection of defects saves lives

26 五月 2006

Umbilical cord cells could produce insulin: study

17 四月 2006

Unrelated Cord Blood Transplant is An Alternative for Adults Lacking HLA-matched Donor

06 四月 2006

Umbilical Cord Blood: The Future of Stem Cell Research?

19 二月 2006

Umbilical cords to repair brain damage

06 二月 2006

Cord Blood: You Are Your Own Best Donor

12 一月 2006

Unrelated Cord Blood Transplant Successful in Children With Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome

03 一月 2006

Why is it so hard to store your baby's 'life-saving' stem cells?

03 一月 2006

Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation Effectively Treats High-risk ALL

09 九月 2005

It takes more than just an apple a day to keep the doctor away. Shape up with Body and Soul.

03 九月 2005

Companies start to sell ad hoc stem cells and material to the researchers.

03 九月 2003

Engineered Cells and Tissue