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Only Patented Cord Lining Breakthrough Technology

over 40 countries Patent protection guaranteed

Exclusive and Patented Technology
available exclusively in Cordlife Hong Kong

More than 20 years ago, bone marrow was found to contain MSC then Wharton’s Jelly from the umbilical cord was found to contain MSC as well. More recently, a team of award-winning doctor and scientist from Singapore made significant inroad in the world with the discovery of two powerful stem cell types, MSC and EC, from cord lining. Together, the Cambridge and Stanford University trained duo developed a unique technology known as CellOptima, designed to harvest and multiply stem cells from cord lining. This revolutionary discovery subsequently led the team to receive more than 40 patent grants from 40 countries including United States, Europe, China, Singapore and Hong Kong. These patents prohibit anybody other than the patent owner from harvesting stem cells from cord lining.

Unlike conventional technology that can harvest Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) only, Cordlife’s exclusive patented breakthrough technology can isolate and expand not just Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) but also Epithelial Stem Cells (EpSCs) from your baby’s umbilical cord tissue. With CellOptima, you can give your family that additional protection coverage that you have always wanted. This technology is only available at Cordlife.

CellOptima Assurances for you and your Family

Optimal Condition Assurance

Using CellOptima proprietary cell biomarker verification, your baby’s cord lining will be tested after 4 weeks of cryopreservation. During this process, sample segments of the frozen cord lining will be thawed and MSC and/or EC will be harvested according to your choice of storage plan. This verification step is important as it helps ensure that your baby’s cord lining has been properly stored and can be used for future medical treatments. The objective of this process is to validate the following:

  • Cell type/s confirmation using MSC and/or EC biomarkers
  • Cell viability
  • Cell proliferation also known as the ability to multiply further
  • Cord lining sterility

Usability Assurance

Both MSC and EC harvested with CellOptima have been used successfully in human clinical applications. This gives you peace of mind knowing that what you are storing today, can really be used in the future to help your family.

Technology Accessibility Assurance

As long as you remain a cord lining client of Cordlife, you are a guaranteed member of Global Cord Registry. As a member, you will have automatic access to CellOptima for the isolation and expansion of MSC and/or EC to support medical treatments. This membership is only granted to Cordlife clients in Hong Kong.

Explant Purity & Dual Source Storage Assurance

If you choose to extract stem cells now from your baby’s cord lining whether MSC, EC or both for long-term storage, you will automatically enjoy complimentary storage of the cord lining in its original unexpanded form. This gives your family double access to both expanded stem cells which are “treatment-ready” as well as unmanipulated cord lining that can be used for multiple treatments and possibly the extraction of other cell types not identifi ed today. In addition to CellOptima proprietary cell biomarker verifi cation, the tests below will be done on the expanded stem cells to ensure that they are viable and safe for use.

  • Count of cells
  • Cell sterility testing
  • Endotoxin analysis
  • Mycoplasma analysis

What makes CellOptima special?

CellOptima is an original invention from Singapore. Patent protection of CellOptima has been granted by many countries because the technology is novel, first-of-its-kind and useful. All patents granted for CellOptima prevents other companies from harvesting stem cells from cord lining.

FocusPartner Universities or Research Institutions
Heart restoration and repairNational University of Singapore
Hamburg University, Heart Centre, Germany
Wound management and burnsShriner's Children's Burns Hospital, United States
Chinese University of Hong Kong
National Burns Centre, Hanoi, Vietnam
Cornea regenerationSingapore Eye Research Institute, Singapore
National Eye Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam
Liver regenerationNational University of Singapore
Skin & hair rejuvenationCamden Medical Centre, Singapore
BK Clinic, South Korea
National Institute of Dermatology, Hanoi, Vietnam
Insulin-producing cellsNational Cancer Centre, Singapore
National University of Singapore
Neuronal differentiation for hearing impairmentStanford University, United States
Bone differentiation, repair and regenerationAO Foundation, Switzerland
Keele University, United Kingdom
Hemophilia ANational Cancer Centre, Singapore
Human feeder layer for stem cell cultureDuke University, United States and National University of Singapore (co-collaboration)

Getting Started

Enrol Now

The collection of cord blood is a simple procedure that poses no risk to you or your baby. It is important that you make your banking decision before your due date so that you and your caregivers can be ready for the collection. You only have one chance to collect your baby's cord blood at birth, so this is a critical decision. 

Price Plans

Contact us to know more about the latest price and information
Hong Kong: (852) 3980 2888
Macau: (853) 6881 0781
WhatsApp:  (852) 9660 1317

Download Free Information Kit

Download FREE information kit to know more about the benefits of cord blood banking and Cordlife.

Why do parents save their baby's cord blood and cord lining?

Rich source of stem cells

Your baby’s umbilical cord has the youngest and most active stem cells compared with other stem cell sources such as embryo, bone marrow, and peripheral blood.

Proven use in transplants

More than 80 diseases can potentially be treated with cord blood, and 60,000 transplants have taken place worldwide.

Untapped clinical potential

Researchers all over the world are learning how to use stem cells to treat more diseases and repair damaged tissue or organs.

Treatment options for the family

The stem cells you stored are a perfect match for your baby, and they could be used to treat other members of your family.

Readily available for a lifetime
Readily available for a lifetime

Stem cells can be kept indefinitely if they are properly stored, and you can retrieve them whenever you need them.